Your Mall App
As an integral part of the communication strategy your center app is a helpful and important component to interact with customers and increase frequency and conversion.
We develop a native app for you with a comprehensive set of useful functions for your customers: Shop descriptions, product search, opening hours, services, transportation as well as a map of your shopping centre – All information and contents are available in real-time at your point of sale on the go. The app includes a loyalty program that helps you to learn more about your customers and links them to your shopping centre.
Apps are very useful, especially for shopping centres: A significantly higher loyalty rate to offers and products, presented in the app, is achieved with approximately half of all customers who have installed a retail app. Customers are more likely to buy products and visit shops more often.
The possibility of direct and personal communication with the customer using push notifications increases the frequency at your point of sale. In combination with the beacon technology you can track and lead a stream of visitors. The incorporated loyalty program creates added-value for customers and is another incentive to visit your mall.

Due to the intelligent interconnection of all your media channels within our Mall Cockpit, you can make use of all advantages of a mall app. Collected user data, voluntarily shared information of user preferences, interests, dress size and gender, not only rewards the customer with attractive offers, but more importantly, helps you to communicate with the consumers more personally and more individually. You can access all collected data from the back-end and adjust your marketing performance indicators accordingly.

We offer a worry-free package for your App. Our concept includes not only the complete content processing of the app; we also create a navigation structure that is based on the habits and experiences of users and develop the entire app in accordance with recognized usability principles. We provide the content, integrate the store directory, and link these program necessary interfaces to external databases. We implement a comprehensive search facility with access to the product data banks of the center maps and guarantee extensive testing to ensure all functions.

To obtain a fundamental understanding of user behaviour and acceptance of the contents of your app, we analyze all activities on a regular basis – anonymously, of course, and with very limited resources. The findings form the basis for the targeted content as well as updates in development of various functions in the app. Thus, the user does not lose interest in your app and the likelihood of regular use increases.